I updated my book about Test-Driven iOS Development for Swift 3.
If you read it, please let me know what you think. And please leave a review on Amazon! That helps a lot. Thank you!
What others are saying
Here is what readers said about the first edition.
Started reading this weekend...Excellent book @dasdom 👍#swiftlang #iOSDev
— Lawrence MacFadyen (@iOSInsight) 27. Februar 2016
@dasdom excellent book. Went through the whole thing in about 10-12 hrs...couldn't put it down
— Jack Davis (@jackd942) 17. April 2016
I'm reading "Test-Driven iOS Development w/ Swift" by @dasdom
— Roberto Canogar (@RCanogar) 5. April 2016
VERY nice so far (half way through).I'll be quoting it
Just finished #TDD with #swift by @dasdom it is a must read for anyone learning #swift
— Barrett Breshears (@BarrettBreshear) 26. Februar 2016
Please also read the reviews on Amazon for the first edition of the book.